Project Partners
Gazelle Accelerator’s team is made up of industrial, research and academic partners.
Complementary expertise will be used to grade up and accelerate 50 promising Start-ups or SMEs through our ambitious support programme.
Aerospace Valley
Aerospace Valley is world’s first aerospace cluster, dedicated to the strategic sectors of Aeronautics, Space and Drones, in France. With its 5 excellency ecosystems – Embedded and Communicating Systems, Structures and Mechanical Systems, Propulsion and Embedded Energy, Data and Artificial Intelligence, Products and Services for the Industry, Aerospace Valley drives a supportive, competitive and attractive community, aimed at fostering innovation in view of growth. Ranking among the top three clusters for the performance of its cooperative R&T projects (among which 580 have already been financed), Aerospace Valley is in charge of animating a dynamic network of international reputation, composed of 850 members (companies, research and training centres, universities and schools, local authorities). Aerospace Valley has as a mission to support the development of the aerospace sector and to increase its competitiveness. To achieve this a critical task is to promote introduction of advanced manufacturing technologies which will improve the competitiveness of the European industry.
The CEA is a French public research organisation serving industry, specialising in four main areas: energy transition and low-carbon energies, digital transformation, health and biotechnologies, defence and security. It carries out the missions entrusted to it by the French government. With its 20,000 employees and 9 research centres equipped with very large infrastructures, the CEA relies on fundamental research of excellence. It is involved in national, European and international projects with a wide range of academic and industrial partners. The CEA ranks as the leading research organisation filing patents in France and Europe according to the Clarivate ranking (2019).
LINPRA - Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania. LINPRA is an independent business organisation, representing Lithuanian engineering industry, interests of companies, working in metal, machinery and equipment, electromechanics and electronics, plastics and rubber industry on international and national level.
Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is the oldest technological university in Lithuania, established in 1922. KTU known for its linkages with business, leadership in scientific research, flexible interdisciplinary study programmes and unforgettable study experience. KTU’s Startup Space (27 startups in 3 recent years) fosters young businesses, providing much sought-after support and knowledge needed by new enterprises.KTU is having a specialised Technology Entrepreneurship module applying Silicon Valley teaching methodologies, practically demonstrating the transformation of research and ideas into real-world businesses.
The Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) is oriented on research and development in cutting edge scientific and technological fields. LMS is involved in a number of research projects funded by the CEU and European industrial partners. Particular emphasis is given to the co-operation with the European industry as well as with a number of “hi-tech” firms. LMS is organized in three different groups: 1) Manufacturing Processes Modelling and Energy Efficiency, 2) Robots, Automation and Virtual Reality in Manufacturing, 3) Manufacturing Systems and it has a fully equipped machine shop that contains high payload industrial robots, collaborative robots and machine tools.
RoboValley is a centre for robotics, headquartered in Delft, Netherlands. RoboValley is powered by the Robotics Institute of Delft University of Technology. RoboValley aims to facilitate collaboration between researchers, governments and enterprises. Currently, RoboValley is looking to attract robotics companies and researchers in the field of robotics in order to facilitate this collaboration.
Tecnalia Ventures
At TECNALIA Ventures we focus our efforts on the creation of a venture building ecosystem in order to help TECNALIA transfer its technology to the market. We connect the three fundamental pillars of any innovation ecosystem: minds, management and money. We aim to turn innovative technological assets into new profitable and sustainable businesses. We do all this by identifying technologically disruptive solutions, exposing them from early stages of development to investment criteria, focusing the efforts on the business opportunities with highest commercialization potential.
TU Delft
Top education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programmes. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share a fascination for science, design and technology. Our common mission: impact for a better society.

Project Partners
Gazelle Accelerator’s team is made up of industrial, research and academic partners.
Complementary expertise will be used to grade up and accelerate 50 promising Start-ups or SMEs through our ambitious support programme.
Aerospace Valley
Aerospace Valley is world’s first aerospace cluster, dedicated to the strategic sectors of Aeronautics, Space and Drones, in France. With its 5 excellency ecosystems – Embedded and Communicating Systems, Structures and Mechanical Systems, Propulsion and Embedded Energy, Data and Artificial Intelligence, Products and Services for the Industry.
Aerospace Valley drives a supportive, competitive and attractive community, aimed at fostering innovation in view of growth. Ranking among the top three clusters for the performance of its cooperative R&T projects (among which 580 have already been financed), Aerospace Valley is in charge of animating a dynamic network of international reputation, composed of 850 members (companies, research laboratories, training centres, universities and schools, local authorities). Aerospace Valley has as a mission to support the development of the aerospace sector and to increase its competitiveness. To achieve this a critical task is to promote introduction of advanced manufacturing technologies which will improuve the competitiveness of the European industry.
The CEA is a French public research organisation serving industry, specialising in four main areas: energy transition and low-carbon energies, digital transformation, health and biotechnologies, defence and security. It carries out the missions entrusted to it by the French government. With its 20,000 employees and 9 research centres equipped with very large infrastructures, the CEA relies on fundamental research of excellence. It is involved in national, European and international projects with a wide range of academic and industrial partners. The CEA ranks as the leading research organisation filing patents in France and Europe according to the Clarivate ranking (2019).
LINPRA - Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania. LINPRA is an independent business organisation, representing Lithuanian engineering industry, interests of companies, working in metal, machinery and equipment, electromechanics and electronics, plastics and rubber industry on international and national level.
Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is the oldest technological university in Lithuania, established in 1922. KTU known for its linkages with business, leadership in scientific research, flexible interdisciplinary study programmes and unforgettable study experience. KTU’s Startup Space (27 startups in 3 recent years) fosters young businesses, providing much sought-after support and knowledge needed by new enterprises.KTU is having a specialised Technology Entrepreneurship module applying Silicon Valley teaching methodologies, practically demonstrating the transformation of research and ideas into real-world businesses.
The Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) is oriented on research and development in cutting edge scientific and technological fields. LMS is involved in a number of research projects funded by the CEU and European industrial partners. Particular emphasis is given to the co-operation with the European industry as well as with a number of “hi-tech” firms. LMS is organized in three different groups: 1) Manufacturing Processes Modelling and Energy Efficiency, 2) Robots, Automation and Virtual Reality in Manufacturing, 3) Manufacturing Systems and it has a fully equipped machine shop that contains high payload industrial robots, collaborative robots and machine tools.
RoboValley is a centre for robotics, headquartered in Delft, Netherlands. RoboValley is powered by the Robotics Institute of Delft University of Technology. RoboValley aims to facilitate collaboration between researchers, governments and enterprises. Currently, RoboValley is looking to attract robotics companies and researchers in the field of robotics in order to facilitate this collaboration.
Tecnalia Ventures
At TECNALIA Ventures we focus our efforts on the creation of a venture building ecosystem in order to help TECNALIA transfer its technology to the market. We connect the three fundamental pillars of any innovation ecosystem: minds, management and money. We aim to turn innovative technological assets into new profitable and sustainable businesses. We do all this by identifying technologically disruptive solutions, exposing them from early stages of development to investment criteria, focusing the efforts on the business opportunities with highest commercialization potential.
TU Delft
Top education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programmes. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share a fascination for science, design and technology. Our common mission: impact for a better society.